WarBirds Installation and Setup by John "Wolfman" Wolf (updated for 1.11 by Trips) Once you've downloaded and extracted WarBirds, your Warbirds folder should look like the picture below. Don't worry if you don't have all the artwork files shown, The base package comes with only the default artwork needed to run the game. Yo'll still be able to fly any of the planes, but it'll always look like you're in a Hellcat cockpit. You can download additional artwork, just make sure to put the extracted files in your "Art" folder so WarBirds can find them. When you're done, your WarBirds folder should contain the WarBirds application, Warbirds Data, Terrain Data, a folder with the WB READMEs and a folder called "Art". The Art folder MUST be present, and you MUST have at least the f6f, hq, tower, cv, and chute files inside the Art folder. Don't forget to decompress the files that you download. If the file ends in ".sea" or ".hqx", it is still in its compressed form.   A folder called "For System-Extensions Folder" contains the VT 102 terminal tool. If you don't already have it installed, copy it to your Extensions Folder inside your System Folder. Another folder called "Joystick Sets" contains joystick configuration files for several common joysticks. See your Joystick documentation for where to put the configuration files. How do I configure my connection? WarBirds 1.10 does away with external connection tools. Any Mac configured with MacTCP, Open Transport, or a serial (UNIX shell) connection to the Internet should be able to connect to the host with no additional software necessary. From the "Configuration" menu, select "Communication". You'll see this dialog box appear. If you have a PPP   connection to the Internet, select "Ethernet/PPP" and then choose either "icigames2.com" or "icigames.com". Note: In some cases, "icigames.com" will provide a cleaner path for non-CRIS users. Try both, and use whichever gives you the best results.If you have UNIX shell access to the Internet, choose "Serial" for optimum performance. Enter your provider's phone number in the "Phone Number" field. Once connected, invoke a telnetsession from your provider's UNIX prompt or menu system to either "icigames.com' or "icigames2.com". Once your settings are in place, hit the "OK" button, and you'll be ready to go. How do I connect? After configuring the communications options, open the connection by selecting "Go Online" under the Configuration menu. If everything is set up correctly, you will be presented with the ICI sign-on message. If you're using the Serial connection option, you'r modem will dial your provider first and you'll need to log on to their system and invoke a telnet session to icigames.com or icigames2.com. Note: Unless you're using CRIS as your provider, you'll probably get the best connection quality via icigames2.com. CRIS users can either telnet to icigames.com, or type "/" to invoke a command prompt, and then type "go playwarbirds". WarBirds 1.11 will be the last version to support Serial connections. Future versions will require a PPP connection to the hos. ICI currently recommends the use of OpenTransport 1.1.1 or later, and OpenTransport PPP for the best PPP connection to the WarBirds host server. If you are a new user, follow the prompts to create a new account. There is a $10/month minimum charge for your account. This entitles you to 5 hours of flight time in the arenas. Time in the main arenas over 5 hours is billed at $2/hr for non-CNC users and $1.75 for users connecting through CNC. If you decide you don't like WarBirds (unlikely) then you can cancel your account within the first 5 hours of online time and not be billed. Once you are signed up, you will be presented with a menu of options, including the option to enter the various arenas. Don't be surprized if you get a black screen, some connections take a while to transfer the state of the arena to your machine. Please be patient.